A quick start of the year update on what you might be able to expect from me in the coming year:
The UK Christmas Single aftermath.Yes, I know. I saw. Give me a little time.
A Citizen of the UniverseI've been wondering if it really makes sense for me to keep this going. I am not alone in having a main blog and a Doctor Who blog so that I can make a quick point without having to write three paragraphs explaining what I'm on about. On the other hand, I've been pretty infrequent about posting there, so I might as well fold it in. I'll continue to think on this.
This Week in PodI'll be revamping this, as I have hit the point where I need to change what I am doing. (I've filled up the iPod and have nowhere near hit the end of my collection. I also have just learned that RIAA has somehow changed their policy and are now suing people who are taking CDs that they own and copying them into their own computers so they can listen to their own music on their own iPods. The next logical step has to be suing people who have songs running over and over in their heads, as that is a method of copying the contents of a CD into your brain.)
The 1912 ProjectThis one is going slower than I thought it would. If you take a swing over to the blog I'm hosting it on, you will notice that the most recent post is of a brochure that is tied together with a yellow ribbon. After I finished scanning, the ribbon fell apart. I'm a little gunshy about the scanner now. On the whole, I think I can continue the way it's going.
Buying the New YorkerI think that I've been chugging along quite nicely on this one. I think it will continue as is.
LyricbloggingOne of these days, I'll do another of these.
Reading HitchcockThe first entry for this was The Birds. This was easy as the source material was a short story and I knew the film backwards. My next choice was Strangers on a Train. I finished the book and enjoyed it enough to feel that the format I had chosen was a little reductive, and I wanted to do it up right. I also felt that I had to sit down and re-watch the film, which I haven't had the best of luck remembering to do. While that was perking, I decided to play through to a third selection, so I read Juno and the Paycock. I thought I had a copy of the film. I do not. I'm figuring that reading another will just tip me over the edge.
Listening to the WorldNext country up is Argentina. In an interesting switch, the normal trend of me spending a great deal of time hunting down any station to listen to was replaced with me finding over a hundred stations and spending time looking for one that I could log in to and didn't sound like it was a satellite feed from Miami.
Breaking Down the Nervous DetectivesI decided to focus on Jason King. If you look at the DVD case you will see that each episode is about 52 minutes. This is presuming that you can just sit down and watch an episode straight through. What actually happens is this: You watch two minutes. Then you say "What the hell did I just see happen?" and rewind a minute and a half to see that bit again. After you've gone about seven minutes like this, you need to go back about ten minutes so you can remember what happened in sequence. That cycle goes about twice, meaning you've spent about an hour watching a fifteen minute block. Then you have to do something like eat or go to bed. When you start over, you have to either spend fifteen minutes figuring out where in the episode to start watching from, or just start from the beginning again because you can't remember what the hell is going on anyway. I'm halfway through the second episode. I think. I've been meaning to get to other episodes of other shows as well.
Close Read - Peril IslandI've been sidelined by other, more interesting books, so even though I've read farther than the one chapter I've posted, I've been ignoring this lately. I think I will be tweaking the format, as the whole "go to amazon and purchase something, gol-durnit" was looking a bit more intrusive than I was wanting it to. (As a side note, the real driving reason was to have my Amazon statistics show that I was about more than thermodynamics. While I had a number of friendly readers click through to Amazon, only one person seems to have actually purchased something - and they clicked through the link to purchase a wafflemaker and then ended up snapping up a book on thermodynamics! Even though it was completely not helpful, I find it hilarious. Thank you, thermodynamics of waffles person, whoever you are!)
I'm Reading ThisThe more observant of you may have noticed that for a little while I had a little Amazon banner on the side where I put a link up to the thing that I was currently reading. I took the link down when I started reading 21 Dog Years by Mike Daisey and for some reason I could not make a referral link to it. Strange.
The Alphabet SongThis is turning into something entirely different from what I was expecting it to. I'm not entirely sure what yet, but I hope that it will be interesting.