Sunday, October 14, 2007

I hate to lose things

One of those videos that I have been hunting forever for a copy of, Michael Smotherman's "Crazy in Love" circa 1979 (I see that the date at the end says 1982, but I think it is actually earlier):

This was one of the videos that showed up pre-MTV, in the gaps between movies on HBO and "Look Kids! Videos!" programs. I had this in the middle of the first videotape that I ever owned, and picked up a copy of the album. The videotape was lost in the early eighties (I recall that a drunken friend stood on it.) and I have been on the lookout for it ever since.

Upon moving in, my sophomore year roommate went digging through my record collection, as I went simultaneously digging through his. When he came across the Michael Smotherman album, he immediately started waving it around and said that he had been looking for the video for ages.

I told him my sad story, and we drank a bottle or two of something or other and pledged that we would both keep looking for this video and the moment one of us found it we would tell the other.

Unfortunately, he died more than a decade and a half ago.

This sucks. I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of a grim mood.

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