Wednesday, February 04, 2009


For the past couple of days, I've been thinking of writing a post about how Twitter seems to have gone completely nuts.

This was before we got a twitter feed from Stephen Fry caught in an elevator:

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I think the might even top Danny Wallace from last week:

"I am driving a 1974 VW camper van through Bloomsbury with my schoolfriend Will who is dressed like a Smurf. "

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I've been kicking around the idea of Twittering for some time now (I have been subscribing to a number of Twitter rss feeds. I think that this is might be even more useless than some people think Twittering is. (What would be the verb for lurking on Twitter? Twurking?)), and I always come down to the same thoughts.
  1. I don't feel like I blog enough. This is just going to be another thing keeping me from that.
  2. Heck. I can just make little short posts, if that is what I think the internet demands of me.
  3. My cellphone is crap and I can't Twitter from it. So the only time that I can Twitter currently is when I am on a computer. This means that most of what I will be saying is "I am on the computer" and "I am at work"
  4. And so forth.
Of course, knowing how I operate, I realize that declaring that I will not be doing it for a while means that I will most likely cave and start it up next weekend.

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