Thursday, July 13, 2006

Buying the New Yorker 1996 - page 76

Butterfield & Robinson puts together tour packages where you start in one place and then go to another, either by foot (for example: Krakow to Budapest) or on a bike (Paris to London (they cheat! You get to fly over the channel! Cheaters!)) They offer what they call a description of "a typical day" in which we see:
  • 9:34 am Take in mountain views that surely the gods themselves crafted. Remind yourself how fortunate you are.
  • 1:11 pm Salvatore's salcissia, bocconcini and pane rustico next to a tiny stone hut. Doze off under lemon tree.
Sounds good? Wait. There's also this:
  • Noon-ish Practice yodeling.
There's always a catch.

The first thing you see when you go to the Structure House website is a banner saying "Structure House helps [I've removed her name, sorry Google] lose half her weight. Click here to watch." No thanks. At least they don't make her yodel.

Remember when I said that the best way to search for these ten year old companies was to use their phone numbers? Here's a strange thing: The Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida is just off Interstate 275. I think that's good enough. It looks like a cool museum.

J.H. Breakell is still chugging out the jewelry based on the little candy treats that are also still being chugged out. The silver ones are now $40 and the gold ones are now $250. The candy treats now come with all sorts of text message things on them. OMG!

You can still Canoe Canada's Arctic, in fact nowadays I understand that there's more water up there to canoe on. This is one of those hardcore bunches - no yodelling practice here, you have to be quiet to slip past the grizzly bears. (They say that white wolves are "their specialty." I want to know what that means.) Make sure you have a look at their photo gallery - it does look like an adventure.

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